Catherine Guisan is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Minnesota and the author of Un sens à l'Europe: Gagner la paix (Paris: Odile Jacob, 2003).
This book interprets theoretically and historically the speech and deed of European Communities' founders, and discusses the relevance of these founding practices to meet current political challenges such as Turkey's EU accession and reconciliation in the Western Balkans.
1. Principles of Action or Clichés? Why Hermeneutics Matters to European Integration 2. "After the Deluge": The Principle of Reconciliation 3. Remembering the Principle of Reconciliation: "Applications" 4. Of Power and Purgatory: Building the European Communities 5. Enlargements and the Recognition of the Other: The Case of Turkey 6. The Question of the Demos: Truth-Telling and Right-Speaking 7. EU Borders and the "Enlarged Mentality"