Michael O'Neill is Jean Monnet Professor in EU Politics at Nottingham Trent University, UK.
The European Union (EU) Constitution is one of the most important developments in the history of the EU. The Constitution aims to make the EU more transparent, relevant and accountable to the citizens of its member states. The European Constitution provides the most comprehensive account of why the Constitution developed and what its implications are.
Part 1: Why a Constitution for Europe? 1. A Problematic Polity 2. The Idea of a European Constitution Part 2: Constitutionalizing the European Union 3. Europe's Constitutional Convention 4. Agendas for Change 5. The Convention at Work 6. Reforming the European Institutions 7. Simplifying EU Governance 8. A People's Europe: Citizenship, Rights and Justice 9. The EU and the New International Order Part 3: The Politics of Ratification 10. The Politics of Ratification 11. Crisis or 'Normal' Politics 12. Towards a Constitutional Conversation