A fully expanded new edition documenting the significantimprovements that have been made to the tests and monitors ofelectrical insulation systems
Electrical Insulation for Rotating Machines: Design,Evaluation, Aging, Testing, and Repair, Second Edition coversall aspects in the design, deterioration, testing, and repair ofthe electrical insulation used in motors and generators of allratings greater than fractional horsepower size. It discusses bothrotor and stator windings; gives a historical overview of machineinsulation design; and describes the materials and manufacturingmethods of the rotor and stator winding insulation systems incurrent use (while covering systems made over fifty years ago). Itcovers how to select the insulation systems for use in newmachines, and explains over thirty different rotor and statorwinding failure processes, including the methods to repair, orleast slow down, each process. Finally, it reviews the theoreticalbasis, practical application, and interpretation of forty differenttests and monitors that are used to assess winding insulationcondition, thereby helping machine users avoid unnecessary machinefailures and reduce maintenance costs.
Electrical Insulation for Rotating Machines:
* Documents the large array of machine electrical failuremechanisms, repair methods, and test techniques that are currentlyavailable
* Educates owners of machines as well as repair shops on thedifferent failure processes and shows them how to fix or otherwiseameliorate them
* Offers chapters on testing, monitoring, and maintenancestrategies that assist in educating machine users and repair shopson the tests needed for specific situations and how to minimizemotor and generator maintenance costs
* Captures the state of both the present and past"art" in rotating machine insulation system design andmanufacture, which helps designers learn from the knowledgeacquired by previous generations
An ideal read for researchers, developers, and manufacturers ofelectrical insulating materials for machines, ElectricalInsulation for Rotating Machines will also benefit designers ofmotors and generators who must select and apply electricalinsulation in machines.