Step-by-step instructions enable chemical engineers to masterkey software programs and solve complex problems
Today, both students and professionals in chemical engineeringmust solve increasingly complex problems dealing with refineries,fuel cells, microreactors, and pharmaceutical plants, to name afew. With this book as their guide, readers learn to solve theseproblems using their computers and Excel, MATLAB, Aspen Plus, andCOMSOL Multiphysics. Moreover, they learn how to check theirsolutions and validate their results to make sure they have solvedthe problems correctly.
Now in its Second Edition, Introduction to ChemicalEngineering Computing is based on the author's firsthandteaching experience. As a result, the emphasis is on problemsolving. Simple introductions help readers become conversant witheach program and then tackle a broad range of problems in chemicalengineering, including:
* Equations of state
* Chemical reaction equilibria
* Mass balances with recycle streams
* Thermodynamics and simulation of mass transfer equipment
* Process simulation
* Fluid flow in two and three dimensions
All the chapters contain clear instructions, figures, andexamples to guide readers through all the programs and types ofchemical engineering problems. Problems at the end of each chapter,ranging from simple to difficult, allow readers to gradually buildtheir skills, whether they solve the problems themselves or inteams. In addition, the book's accompanying website lists thecore principles learned from each problem, both from a chemicalengineering and a computational perspective.
Covering a broad range of disciplines and problems withinchemical engineering, Introduction to Chemical EngineeringComputing is recommended for both undergraduate and graduatestudents as well as practicing engineers who want to know how tochoose the right computer software program and tackle almost anychemical engineering problem.