Praise for the Third Edition
". . . an easy-to read introduction to survival analysiswhich covers the major concepts and techniques of thesubject." --Statistics in Medical Research
Updated and expanded to reflect the latest developments,Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis, FourthEdition continues to deliver a comprehensive introduction tothe most commonly-used methods for analyzing survival data.Authored by a uniquely well-qualified author team, the FourthEdition is a critically acclaimed guide to statistical methods withapplications in clinical trials, epidemiology, areas of business,and the social sciences. The book features many real-world examplesto illustrate applications within these various fields, althoughspecial consideration is given to the study of survival data inbiomedical sciences.
Emphasizing the latest research and providing the mostup-to-date information regarding software applications in thefield, Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis, FourthEdition also includes:
* Marginal and random effect models for analyzing correlatedcensored or uncensored data
* Multiple types of two-sample and K-sample comparisonanalysis
* Updated treatment of parametric methods for regression modelfitting with a new focus on accelerated failure time models
* Expanded coverage of the Cox proportional hazards model
* Exercises at the end of each chapter to deepen knowledge of thepresented material
Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis is anideal text for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses onsurvival data analysis. The book is also an excellent resource forbiomedical investigators, statisticians, and epidemiologists, aswell as researchers in every field in which the analysis ofsurvival data plays a role.