This book provides the reader with knowledge on a wide varietyof radiation fields and their effects on the electronic devices andsystems. The author covers faults and failures in ULSI devicesinduced by a wide variety of radiation fields, including electrons,alpha-rays, muons, gamma rays, neutrons and heavy ions. Readerswill learn how to make numerical models from physical insights, todetermine the kind of mathematical approaches that should beimplemented to analyze radiation effects. A wide variety ofprediction, detection, characterization and mitigation techniquesagainst soft-errors are reviewed and discussed. The author showshow to model sophisticated radiation effects in condensed matter inorder to quantify and control them, and explains how electronicsystems including servers and routers are shut down due toenvironmental radiation.
* Provides an understanding of how electronic systems are shutdown due to environmental radiation by constructing physical modelsand numerical algorithms
* Covers both terrestrial and avionic-level conditions
* Logically presented with each chapter explaining the backgroundphysics to the topic followed by various modelling techniques, andchapter summary
* Written by a widely-recognized authority in soft-errors inelectronic devices
* Code samples available for download from the CompanionWebsite
This book is targeted at researchers and graduate students innuclear and space radiation, semiconductor physics and electrondevices, as well as other areas of applied physics modelling.Researchers and students interested in how a variety of physicalphenomena can be modelled and numerically treated will also findthis book to present helpful methods.