The third volume of edited papers from the Tenth World Congress of the Econometric Society 2010.
Part I. Econometrics of Industrial Organization: 1. Game theory and econometrics: a survey of some recent research Patrick Bajari, Han Hong and Denis Nekipelov; 2. Recent developments in empirical IO: dynamic demand and dynamic games Victor Aguirregabiria and Aviv Nevo; 3. Estimation of (dynamic) games: a discussion Martin Pesendorfer; Part II. Macroeconometrics: 4. Macroeconomics and volatility: data, models, and estimation Jesús Fernandez-Villaverde and Juan Rubio-Ramírez; 5. Estimation and evaluation of DSGE models: progress and challenges Frank Schorfheide; 6. Discussion of Fernandez-Villaverde and Rubio-Ramírez as well as Schorfheide Harald Uhlig; Part III. Econometric Theory: 7. Estimation and inference methods for high-dimensional sparse econometric models Alexandre Belloni, Victor Chernozhukov and Christian B. Hansen; 8. Measurement error in nonlinear models - a review Susanne Schennach; 9. Penalized least square methods for latent variables models Stéphane Bonhomme; Part IV. Empirical Microeconomics: 10. Productivity and management practices John Van Reenen; 11. ExtrapoLATE-ing: external validity and overidentification in the LATE framework Josh Angrist and Ivan Fernández-Val; Part V. Time Series and Panels: 12. Panel data models and factor analysis Jushan Bai; 13. Penalized sieve estimation and inference of semi-nonparametric dynamic models: a selective review Xiaohong Chen; Part VI. Mirrlees Review: Rethinking the Tax System for the Twenty-First Century: 14. Empirical evidence and tax design Richard Blundell; 15. A review of the Mirrlees Review: labor tax reforms Roger Gordon; 16. The Mirrlees Review and optimal labor income tax and transfer programs Guy Laroque.