This book outlines the fundamentals of charge storage mechanisms in different configurations of supercapacitor. It describes related phenomena, state of art supercapacitor technologies, design/fabrication of electrodes, materials, macro/planar supercapacitor, significance of electrode design, current technologies and future directions.
1. Fundamentals of Supercapacitors. 2. Electrochemical Measurements for Supercapacitors. 3. State-of-Art Supercapacitor Design. 4. Supercapacitor Materials. 5. Macro Supercapacitor. 6. Planar Micro-Supercapacitor. 7. Self-Powered Supercapacitor. 8. Design and Fabrication of Planar Supercapacitor Electrodes. 9. Future Applications.
Abha Misra is a Professor in the Department of Instrumentation and Applied Physics at Indian Institute of Science (IISc). She earned her PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay). She later received the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA. Dr. Misra is an Associate of Indian Academy of Sciences, member of National Science Academy, and TWAS Young Affiliate. She is also a recipient of INSA Medal for Young Scientists, SERB Women Excellence Award. Dr. Misra's research at IISc is mainly focuses on meta-devices for self-powered energy storage and sensing applications.