Higher Education Hauntologies considers how higher education might benefit from thinking about Derrida's notion of hauntology and its implications for a justice-to-come.
Vivienne Bozalek is Emerita Professor at the Department of Women's and Gender Studies at the University of the Western Cape and Honorary Professor at the Centre for Higher Education, Research, Teaching and Learning (CHERTL) Rhodes University, South Africa.
Michalinos Zembylas is a Professor of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies at the Open University of Cyprus and Honorary Professor, Chair for Critical Studies in Higher Education Transformation at Nelson Mandela University, South Africa.
Siddique Motala is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Dorothee Hölscher is a Lecturer in the School of Human Services and Social Work, Griffith University, and a research associate with the Department of Social Work, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Vivienne Bozalek, Michalinos Zembylas, Siddique Motala and Dorothee Hölscher
1 A Pedagogy of Hauntology: Decolonizing the Curriculum with GIS
Michalinos Zembylas, Vivienne Bozalek and Siddique Motala
2 Just(ice) Do It! Re-membering the past through co-affective aesthetic encounters with art/history
Nike Romano
3 Shooting the elephant in the (prayer) room: Politics of moods, racial hauntologies and idiomatic diffraction
Kirsten Hvenegård-Lassen & Dorthe Staunæs
4 A specter is haunting European higher education - the specter of neo-nationalism
Katja Brøgger
5 Sea hauntings and haunted seas for embodied place-space-mattering for social justice scholarship
Tamara Shefer
6 Reconciliation and Education: Artistic Actions and Critical Conversations
Stephanie Springgay
7 Self as Ghost: Haunting whiteness in Lizza Littlewort's painting
Lize van Robbroeck
8 A Posthuman Hauntology for the Anthropocene: The Spectral and Higher Education
Delphi Carstens
9 Pedagogy of hauntology in language education: Re-signifying the Argentine dictatorship in higher education
Melina Porto
10 Being Haunted by-and Reorienting toward-What 'Matters' in Times of (the COVID-19) Crisis: A Critical Pedagogical Cartography of Response-ability
Evelien Geerts
11 Higher education hauntologies and spacetimemattering: Response-ability and non-innocence in times of pandemic
Vivienne Bozalek and Dorothee Hölscher