This book explores the mechanisms of political representation and accountability in the European political system.
Maurizio Cotta is Senior Professor of Comparative Politics at the Università di Siena, Italy.
Pierangelo Isernia is Jean Monnet Professor of Culture and International Relations at the Università di Siena, Italy.
Introduction: The Challenges to the European Representation System - Away from the 'old normal'?
Maurizio Cotta and Pierangelo Isernia
1. The Changing Political Landscape in Europe
Gary Marks, David Attewell, Jan Rovny and Liesbet Hooghe
2. The Impact of Eurosceptic Challenger Parties of the Left and Right on Party Competition over Europe
Daniela Braun, Sebastian Adrian Popa and Hermann Schmitt
3. Who is to Blame for European Crises?
Nicolò Conti and Francesco Marangoni
4. Crisis and the Complex Path of Burden-sharing in the EU
Linda Basile, Rossella Borri and Luca Verzichelli
5. When the Going Gets Tough: Who should take responsibility in times of crisis - European or national institutions?
Sabrina Cavatorto, Maurizio Cotta and Federico Russo
6. Representation at Work: Miller and Stokes go to Brussels
Davide Angelucci, Pierangelo Isernia and Kaat Smets
7. A Deliberative Bridge over the Mass-elite Rift: Effects of online deliberation on support for European integration
Francesco Olmastroni, Valentina Bianchi and Alison Duguid
8. Group Decision-making in a Public Goods Game: A cross-country experiment
Valeria Faralla and Alessandro Innocenti
Conclusion: Taking up arms against a sea of troubles
Maurizio Cotta and Pierangelo Isernia