Europe is in flux. The economiccrisis, large migration flows, andterrorist attacks have put pressureon international solidarity and attitudestowards civil liberties suchas freedom of movement. To whatextent do European countries favorimmigration and receiving refugees?To what extent do they trust policymakersand one another? Are thereshared values,
Jeroen Boelhouwer Gerbert Kraaykamp Ineke Stoop
Preface -- 1 Trust, life satisfaction and opinions on immigration in European countries /Ineke Stoop, Jemen Boelhouwer, Gerbert Kraaykamp -- 1.1 Opinions in a changing Europe -- 1.2 Data: The European Social Survey -- 1.3 Comparing countries and measuring trends -- Notes -- References -- Data Sources -- 2 The mood in Europe: opinions on democracy, trust, migrants and life satisfaction /Jemen Boelhouwer -- 2.1 The mood in Europe -- 2.2 Opinions on democracy -- 2.3 Trust in institutions and other people -- 2.4 Opinions on migrants -- 2.5 Life satisfaction -- 2.6 Summary -- Notes -- References -- 3 Opinions on migration in a European perspective. Trends and differences /Roza Meuleman, Marcel Lubbers, Gerbert Kraaykamp -- 3.1 Brief background. Migration and public opinion -- 3.2 Perceived negative consequences of migration -- 3.3 Resistance to the arrival of people of a different race /ethnic group -- 3.4 Perceived economic threat from migrants -- 3.5 Perceived cultural threat from migration -- 3.6 Perceptions about crime caused by migration -- 3.7 Opinions on admitting asylum-seekers -- 3.8 Opinions on Muslim immigrants -- 3.9 Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Publications of the Netherlands Institute for Social Research | scp.