After an initial failure as a small-town high school track coach, Harvey Dean, Ed.D, CEO and founder of the STEM education leader Pitsco, Inc., found a fundamental key that gave his team another chance at success. When he used the key to unlock the potential of each runner, his ordinary and inexperienced athletes became state champions in just three years. The key, Dean says, is a system that transfers the locus of responsibility to the team. In any organization, when the locus of responsibility is moved from the coach to the player, from the teacher to the student, and from management to employees, exceptional achievement follows. But how is this done?
The HOT Plan(TM) shows you how to unlock the potential of your business or organization. The book is a fun read, with plenty of stories, how-to's, charts and lists. It also offers a rich list of additional resources and independently conducted research to verify the method's success.
A Bonus: If you are looking for a way to make your workplace more millennial friendly, The HOT Plan can help. Under The HOT Plan(TM), employees have more input and influence in their work. The system lends itself to challenge, gamification and rewards while cementing company priorities in the minds of all departments. The HOT Plan(TM) shows the way to update your workplace culture to fit today's marketplace and generational changes.