Kelly examines five church-state relations over a three-century period to show the impact of Calvin's thought on civil government. Though primarily a scholar, theologian, preacher and church statesman, Calvin showed a strong political concern throughout his life. His theology, the institutions it engendered, and the questions it raised have played a major role in shaping the post-Reformation world. Calvin's legacy continues to bear upon the issues that guide and agitate Western nations today.
Douglas F. Kelly is professor of theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina. He holds a BA from University of North Carolina, an MDiv from Union Theological Seminary, and a PhD from Edinburgh University. Dr. Kelly is a scholar marked by profound piety. His grasp of theology and his proficiency in several languages are well demonstrated in his writing, series editing, and translating. He has taught throughout the world and has served on the Jurisprudence Project of The Christian Legal Society.