List of Illustrations ix
Acknowledgments xi
1. Alap 1
2. Travels of Tea, Travels of Empire 20
3. Cultivating the Garden 51
4. The Raj Baroque 84
5. Estates of a New Raj 115
6. Discipline and Labor 168
7. Village Politics 235
8. Protest 289
9. A Last Act 325
Appendix 327
Glossary 333
Notes 335
Bibliography 383
Index 411
"This is a finely layered, theoretically astute and informed cultural and historical account of a tea plantation in India. The ethnography is not content to address localized politics and culture; its importance lies in the way in which it reveals the global and political dimensions of local practices of gendered labor."--Inderpal Grewal, author of "Home and Harem: Nation, Gender, Empire, and the Cultures of Travel"
Piya Chatterjee is Associate Professor of Women’s Studies at the University of California, Riverside.