List of Illustrations
1. Introduction: Conceptual Elements
Matthias Finger, Ludivine Tamiotti, and Jeremy Allouche
2. The Mekong River Basin: Comprehensive Water Governance
Nantana Gajaseni, Oliver William Heal, and Gareth Edwards-Jones
3. The Danube River Basin
Stephen McCaffrey
4. The Euphrates River Watershed: Integration, Coordination, or Separation?
Arnon Medzini and Aaron T. Wolf
5. The Aral Sea Basin: Legal and Institutional Aspects of Governance
Laurence Boisson de Chazournes
6. Conclusion: Globalization, Multi-Governance, and Transboundary River Basin Management
Matthias Finger, Ludivine Tamiotti, and Jeremy Allouche
List of Contributors
SUNY Series in Global Politics
Matthias Finger is Professor of Management of Network Industries at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Ludivine Tamiotti is Legal Affairs Officer in the Trade and Environment Division of the World Trade Organization. Jeremy Allouche is Director of the Water Institutions and Management Competence Centre at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Finger and Allouche are coauthors of Water Privatisation: Trans-National Corporations and the Re-Regulation of the Water Industry.