Here's the book you need to prepare for Exam 1D0-420, CIW SiteDesigner and Exam 1D0-425, CIW E-Commerce Designer.This Study Guide provides:* In-depth coverage of official exam objectives* Practical information on web site and e-commerce design* Hundreds of challenging review questions, in the book and onthe CD* Leading-edge exam preparation software, including a testingengine and electronic flashcardsAuthoritative coverage of all exam topics, including:* Implementing design concepts, vision statements, Web strategyand tactics* Enhancing web site usability with tables, frames, and CascadingStyle Sheets (CSS)* Using client-side and server-side programming* Implementing marketing in e-commerce site development* Developing and hosting an e-commerce site using outsourcingservices* Configuring Web server software for an e-commerce siteNote: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of eBook file.