Murder, intrigue and a reputation at stake...
Set in the 1870s, Patricia Shaw's Orchid Bay is a dramatic saga of innocent Londoner Emilie Tissington caught up in intrigue and murder in Australia's Queensland. The perfect read for fans of Colleen McCullough and Tricia McGill.
'Shaw gets it all right' - Publishers Weekly
When the young governess Emilie Tissington is approached by happy-go-lucky Mal Willoughby in the streets of Brisbane, Australia, her proper English upbringing prevents her from encouraging conversation. But, later, another chance meeting with Mal will involve her in a controversy of murder and intrigue that will ruin her reputation. For just as the friendship blossoms, Mal is threatened with hanging for a crime he didn't commit and, hunted by the police, he turns to Emilie, his only friend.
What readers are saying about Orchid Bay:
'Patricia Shaw gives us a wonderful history lesson, an insight into Queensland's history and illustrates the life and times of its people'
'Another absolutely terrific book from Patricia Shaw'