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03.09.2025 um 19:30 Uhr
Modern Classical Optical System Design
Fundamentals, techniques, tips, and tricks
von Ronian Siew
Verlag: Institute of Physics Publishing
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ISBN: 978-0-7503-6059-3
Erschienen am 21.02.2024
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 500 Seiten

Preis: 175,99 €

175,99 €
Biografische Anmerkung

  1. Imaging 1.1 An introduction to the real world 1.2 Optical system design using Ansys Zemax OpticStudio 1.3 Practical concepts for optical system layout and analysis 1.4 Practical aberration management 1.5 Preparing drawings for optical component fabrication, mechanical components, and assembly

  2. Illumination 2.1 Essential radiometry for illumination problems 2.2 The image of a Lambertian source is not necessarily Lambertian (unless...) 2.3 If a source radiates but nobody is there to see it, does it shine? 2.4 Do rays realistically fill pupils in sequential ray tracing? 2.5 Concept of local and global uniformity 2.6 Concept of breaking up the étendue 2.7 Concept of source spread functions 2.8 Source spread functions and the radiometry of non-aplanatic lenses 2.9 "First-order" illumination design 2.10 Design for uniform relative illumination 2.11 Relative illumination in direction cosine space 2.12 Phase space viewpoint of relative illumination 2.13 Regions of uniformity and non-uniformity in collimated light (this is called, the "searchlight") 2.14 Searchlight, critical, and Köhler illumination: comparison at equal flux and track length 2.15 Different layouts and configurations of Köhler illumination 2.16 Principle of collimated- Köhler illumination 2.17 Köhler illumination in modern microscope systems 2.18 Phase space viewpoint of Köhler illumination 2.19 How to lay out light pipes in a full projection system 2.20 How to lay out fly's eye arrays in a full projection system 2.21 Fly's eye arrays using negative-powered lenslets 2.22 Point spread function illumination 2.23 Specification and testing of flashlights and searchlights (ANSI FL1 Standard)

  3. Principles of Optical Systems 3.1 An example of an optical system: virus detection using PCR instruments 3.2 Statistical principles for optical system design 3.3 Principles of tolerancing optical systems 3.4 Monte Carlo tolerancing as a means to establish an alignment philosophy 3.5 Principles of optical detection 3.5 Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of regions of interest (ROI) 3.6 Limit of detection, noise floors, noise ceilings, and background subtraction 3.7 Limit of detection in DNA quantification instruments 3.8 Nuances of optical systems 3.9 Example: light "engines" for illumination using OpticStudio 3.10 Example: digital micromirror device projectors using OpticStudio 3.11 Example: phase contrast microscope in OpticStudio

  4. Notes on some Advanced Topics (ambitious and tentative!) 4.1 An introduction to the abstract world 4.2 Spectral density of a noisy signal 4.3 Concept of extended depth of field and focus 4.4 Vector algebra intuition in optical system design 4.5 Symmetry and invariance properties of rays and waves 4.6 Skew invariance 4.7 Visualizing skew invariance using "footprint diagrams" 4.8 Linear algebra intuition in optical design (or how to understand Forbes aspheres) 4.9 Differential equations intuition and connection with optical system design 4.10 Hamiltonian formulation 4.11 Transport of irradiance 4.12 Wrap up, and I wish you all the best!

Modern Classical Optical System Design (MCOSD) shares the author's "bag of tricks", knowledge, experience, and interpretation of optical design fundamentals to the development of optical systems in a modern product development context, where the pace of work is often so fast that engineers have little time to study or review material from a college textbook or even a professional resource book to get started on a design. MCOSD's goal is to provide deep and practical optical system design knowledge in a succinct, effective, and accessible way to optical engineers and designers at all levels.

Topics include imaging principles, elements of lens design, illumination, modelling, analysis, tolerancing of optical systems, and detection. The author uses the Ansys Zemax OpticStudio® program for all of the design examples in the book. Design files are made available at this book's website at IOP Publishing

Ronian Siew obtained his degrees in optics and physics at the University of Rochester. He is an optics consultant with more than 25 years of professional experience designing optical systems, with recent focus on bioimaging and sensing. He has authored scientific peer-refereed papers, four books, and holds two patents, one related to an optical system in a digital PCR instrument that has been applied to Covid-19 surveillance and detection. Ronian also serves as an associate editor in the area of optical design for SPIE's Spotlight book series.