Ashutosh Kumar Shukla obtained his B.Sc., M.Sc. and D. Phil.
degrees from the University of Allahabad. His doctoral research work involved
using electron spin resonance spectroscopy and optical absorption spectroscopy
to investigate transition ion doped single crystals. He has been a university
teacher and researcher for 20 years and is currently an Associate Professor of
Physics at Ewing Christian College, Allahabad, a University of Allahabad
institution. He also served as an Associate Professor (Pure and Applied
Physics) at Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, C.G. (A Central
University). He has published numerous research papers in peer-reviewed
journals and has edited various books, mostly on applications of EPR
spectroscopy. He has delivered several invited lectures on characterization
techniques at national and international conferences and workshops. He reviews
manuscripts for a number of international journals. He has received numerous
scholarships and fellowships, including National Scholarship, Scholarship of
Ministry of Higher Education, Government of U. P., Research Fellowship of the
Council of Science & Tech., Lucknow, U.P., Research Fellowship of the
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi and the Indian
National Science Academy Bilateral Exchange Fellowship.
1. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in dentistry, Zühre Akarslan
2. Raman spectroscopy for dentistry applications, Saturnino Marco Lupi, Claudia Todaro, Benedetta Albini, Pietro Galinetto
3. Applications of fluorescence spectroscopy in Dentistry, Monalisa Mishra
4. ESR Spectroscopy techniques for Dentistry Applications-Recent advances, Rajeev Ranjan, Diplina Barman, Prashant Gupta, Sandeep Kumar
5. EPR spectroscopy in stomatology - towards and beyond dosimetry, Agata Niewczas and Przemyslaw M. Plonka
6. Application of Molecular spectroscopy and Chemometrics in dentistry, Gunawan Indrayanto and Abdul Rohman