Pitched at undergraduate students, this book introduces the quantum statistical methods used in quantum physics. Beginning with an introduction on quantum optics and open quantum physics, the book reviews classical electromagnetism and linear optics, and quantum mechanics, before moving on to examine two level dynamics, quantum electromagnetic fields, and two-level atoms coupled to quantized fields. Later chapters discuss coherence and detection and the density matrix, before ending with quantum trajectory theory and quasiprobability distributions. Classroom tested and developed over the course of 30 years, this book is written in a simplified, tutorial format for better understanding of complex concepts. It is an essential guide for any students beginning their studies in quantum physics.
Perry Rice earned a BS in physics at Wright State University in 1981. After two years in industry, he went to graduate school and earned a PhD in physics at the University of Arkansas in 1988. He went on to become a professor of physics at Miami University for 30 years, and most recently is a senior research scientist at Azimuth Corporation. His research has been primarily in quantum optics and physics pedagogy, with specialties in cavity/waveguide quantum electrodynamics, nonclassical light, strongly coupled atom-field systems, quantum statistical mechanics, and computational methods including quantum trajectory theory.