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25.03.2025 um 19:30 Uhr
Structure and Magnetisation Processes
von Del Atkinson
Verlag: Institute of Physics Publishing
Reihe: IOP Expanding Physics
E-Book / EPUB
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ISBN: 978-0-7503-1215-8
Erscheint am 31.03.2025
Sprache: Englisch

Preis: 173,99 €

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zum Hardcover 154,50 €
Biografische Anmerkung

1 Introduction
2 Domain Structure, Domain Walls and Spin Textures
3 Nanoscale Magnetic Materials
4 Precessional Magnetisation, Damping Processes
and Spin waves in Nanoscale Structures
5 Magnetisation Reversal Processes in Nanoscale
6 Magnetic Domain Wall Processes
7 Magnetic Vortices and exotic Spin Textures
8 Thermal and Stochastic Magnetisation Behaviour

This book aims to bring together the current state of the art in the topical area of nanomagnetism to create an accessible integrated synthesis of our current understanding of the functional magnetisation processes in nanomagnetic systems. A central theme is the linkages between material properties, physical structure, and the resulting magnetisation behaviour that emerges. Embracing thin-films and multilayers and with a focus on lithographically defined nanoscale structures along with nanoparticles, cylindrical nanowires and related 3-D nanostructures. The focus is on metallic ferromagnets and where appropriate, for example nanoparticles, will also cover ferrimagnetic oxides. The discussion of magnetisation processes will range from precessional magnetisation dynamics and damping through to magnetic domain wall, vortex and skyrmion structures and magnetisation behaviour. The dependence of magnetisation behaviour upon magnetic field, spin-transfer torque and spin-orbit effects in nanoscale systems will also be discussed.

This subject has been very topical for the past couple of decades and continues to attract significant research attention from academic and industrial researchers, both in terms of developing our fundamental physical understanding and because magnetisation processes in such materials have a range of technological applications from cancer treatment, through sensors and logic to data storage. Many of these applications are in the field of spintronics, where details of the magnetisation processes are important for the functional performance of spintronic devices.

The magnetisation processes of nanoscale systems covered will include all structures where key dimensions are nanoscale. Beginning with thin-films this will include lithographically defined 2-D-like structures ranging from equi-dimensional structures such as disks, squares, ellipses and related shapes to elongated planar nanowires and also 3-dimensional structures including nanoparticles and cylindrical nanowires.

Del Atkinson is Sir Gareth Roberts Professor of Applied Physics at Durham University whose interests span academia and industry with particular interest in thin-film magnetic materials, thin-film semiconductors for flexible electronics and nanocomposite pressure-sensitive inks for sensing applications, where the focus of my research is on understanding the relationship between physical structure and functional behaviour.

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