Help adults better understand Peter's life and ministry with this ten-session study. Each chapter deals with fundamental stories about Peter, with numerous Scripture references for a thorough theological, historical, and biblical grounding in the life of Peter. For each topic within the ten sessions, study and reflection questions are included to help learners understand the Bible and reflect on its meaning for them. Teaching/study helps are conveniently located on each page adjacent to the main text. Chapters are: *First of the Apostles * Call of Peter * Peter's Confession * Discipleship * The Transfiguration * Peter's Denial * The Risen Lord * Pentecost * The Early Church * The Gentile Missions
From Taiwan, Dr. Wang holds a degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University, a B.D. degree in biblical literature from Asbury Theological Seminary, a Th.M. from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. degree from Emory University. Dr. Wang is a professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary.