Ayude a su pequeño a soñar en grande con una biografía Little Golden Book sobre la actriz, cantante y bailarina Rita Moreno, ganadora del EGOT. ¡Las biografías de Little Golden Book
representan la introducción perfecta a los libros no-ficción para lectores jóvenes, ¡así como entusiastas de todas las edades!
Help your little one dream big with a Little Golden Book biography about EGOT-winning actor, singer, and dancer, Rita Moreno. Little Golden Book biographies are the perfect introduction to nonfiction for preschoolers!
Este pequeño Little Golden Book sobre Rita Moreno, estrella puertorriqueña de West Side Story y primera latina en ganar un Oscar, es una historia inspiradora para niños pequeños, así como para sus padres y abuelos que la admiran.
Otras biografías Little Golden Book en español:
MARIA CORREA is a children’s book author, editor, and translator. Originally from Medellín, Colombia, she currently lives in New York City, where she enjoys trying new things and exploring the city through her camera lens.
MAINE DIAZ was born in La Plata, Argentina, and grew up drawing and painting. At the age of sixteen, she started animating, working on films like Patoruzito and El Arca (Patagonik Film Group, Argentina). Simultaneously, she enrolled in audiovisual communication at Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Soon after, she started illustrating for children’s books. Currently, Maine lives in a tiny green house, where she spends time with her two cats, Chula and Lola.