An engaging introduction to collisionless shocks in space plasmas, presenting a complete review, from first principles to current research.
David Burgess is Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Queen Mary, University of London. He has extensive experience in the simulation and theory of space plasma shocks and turbulence, and has been involved in several international space missions including AMPTE, Ulysses and Cluster. He is currently on instrument science teams for the Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus missions.
Preface; 1. Shocks; 2. Basic concepts; 3. The quasi-perpendicular shock: macrostructure; 4. The quasi-perpendicular shock: microstructure; 5. The quasi-parallel shock; 6. Diffusive shock acceleration; 7. Coherent shock acceleration; 8. Electron acceleration; 9. Global and modified shocks; Appendix. Simulation techniques; Further reading; References; Index.