Competition within the telecommunications companies is growingfiercer by the day. Therefore, it is vital to ensure a high levelof quality and reliability within all telecommunications systems inorder to guard against faults and the failure of components andnetwork services. Within large scale systems such quality andreliability problems are ever higher.
The metrics of Quality and Reliability have to date only beenavailable in journals and technical reports of companies which havedesigned or produced major parts of systems used in largeapplications. This book provides a self-contained treatmentenabling the reader to be able to produce, define and utilise themetrics of Quality and Reliability required for the design andimplementation of a large application such as a world class eventas the Olympic Games. An additional outcome is that this book canbe used as a guide for producing an ISO standard for large scaleSystems such as the Olympic Games.
* Provides presentations of techniques used for solving quality andreliability problems in telecommunications networks replete withillustrations of their applications to real-world services andworld class events
* Individual chapters written by respective international expertswithin their fields
This will prove highly informative for Practising engineers,researchers and telecommunications professionals, academics andgraduate students in telecommunications, standards bodies andorganisations such as ISO.