3G, HSPA and FDD versus TDD Networking, Second Edition isthe only book that contrasts the network capacity gains that may beachieved with the advent of adaptive antenna arrays and HSDPA-styleadaptive modulation techniques in the context of FDD and TDD CDMAcellular networks. In the five years since the first editionof this book was published the wireless landscape has evolvedfurther. The new book addresses the recent developments in thefield of HSDPA-style wireless networking, focusing particularly onthe issues and challenges of FDD versus TDD networking. Thesesolutions are particularly powerful in shadow-faded scenarios, whenthe antenna array elements experience correlated, rather thanindependent fading. Furthermore, the flexible up-link/down-linktime-slot allocation of TDD is beneficial for supporting theWireless Internet, but results in erratic interferencefluctuations, which is efficiently combated by the antenna arraysand adaptive modulation. Additionally, whilst the adaptivemodulation aided system simply drops the instantaneous transmissionrate during instances of high interference, conventional networkswould drop the call.
* Builds on successful previous edition to include recentdevelopments in the field of HSDPA-style wireless networking
* Provides an all-encompassing self-contained overview of thesubject for a wide range of readers of all levels.
* Treats the topics of both physical-layer and network-layeraspects of wireless systems using a cross-layer optimizationapproach.
* One of the first books to contrast in detail both FDD and TDDnetworking.
The material is presented clearly and logically allowing theuninitiated reader to commence reading it at fundamentalnon-mathematical conceptual level at the beginning of the book,while advanced readers can turn directly to the required chapterdescribing solutions to a number of wireless FDD or TDD networkingproblems. This book will inspire researchers, practicing engineers,operators, marketing engineers and advanced postgraduates.