1. The Role of the Ward Manager
2. Manage Your Time
3. Create a Positive Working Environment
4. Manage Staff Performance
5. Make Sure Care Is Person Centred
6. Manage Your Budget
7. Improve Quality and Safety
8. Instigate a Rolling Recruitment Programme
9. Be Politically Aware
10. Look After Yourself
11. Be a Good Role Model
12. Manage Your Manager
13. Manage Difficult Situations
14. Manage Challenging Team Behaviours
15. Get the Best Advice
When you become a ward or unit manager or allied health professionals team leader, your responsibilities change and you need a very different set of skills compared with your previous roles. You are now required to manage a team of staff with a set budget and are responsible for maintaining an environment in which people can work together efficiently and effectively. This new fourth edition of the Survival Guide to Leadership and Management on the Ward welcomes AHP Krishna Gohil to the author team of nurses Brian Dolan and Amy Lochtie, and thereby extends its guidance on these crucial skills to both nurses and allied health professionals.
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