Originally published as two separate volumes, The Theory of Quantum Liquids is a classic text that attempts to describe the qualitative and unifying aspects of an extremely broad and diversified field. Volume I deals with'normal' Fremi liquids, such as 3He and electrons in metals. Volume II consists of a detailed treatment of Bose condensation and liquid 4He, including the development of a Bose liquid theory and a microscopic basis for the two-fluid model, and the description of the elementary excitations of liquid HeII.
Nozieres, Philippe | Pines, David
Publisher's Foreword -- Advanced Book Classics -- Special Preface -- Preface -- Introduction -- Experimental and Theoretical Background on he II -- Elementary Excitations -- Elementary Excitations in HE II -- Superfluid Behavior: Response to a Transverse Probe. Qualitative Behavior of a Superfluid -- Superfluid Flow: Macroscopic Limit -- Basis for The Two-Fluid Model -- First, Second, and Quasi-Particle Sound -- Vortex Lines -- Microscopic Theory: Uniform Condensate -- Microscopic Theory: Non-Uniform Condensate -- Conclusion