Introduction*Illustration of the energy method*The Navier-Stokes equations and the Benard problem*Symmetry, Competing Effects, and Coupling Parameters*Convection problems in a half space*Generalized energies and the Lyapunov method*Geophysical problems*Surface tension driven convection*Convection in generalized fluids*Time dependent basic states*Electrohydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic convection* Ferrohydrodynamic convection*Reacting viscous fluids*Multi-component convection diffusion*Convection in a compressible fluid*Temperature dependent fluid properties* Penetrative convection*Nonlinear stability in ocean circulation models*Numerical solution of eigenvalue problems*Useful Inequalities*References*Index.
Six new chapters (14-19) deal with topics of current interest: multi-component convection diffusion, convection in a compressible fluid, convenction with temperature dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity, penetrative convection, nonlinear stability in ocean circulation models, and numerical solution of eigenvalue problems.