Wang Yu obtained his Bachelor in Geology Engineering from Chang'an University, his Master in Rock Mechanics from the China University of Geoscience (Wuhan), and his PhD from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS). Y. Wang's interests are rock mechanics and rock engineering, rock meso-structural mechanics, mining engineering geomechanics, unconventional gas development, open pit mining slope design, environmental geology disaster, and coupled computational modeling associated with shale gas fracking. He is the recipient of China Rock Mechanics Research Award for 2015, a member of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering, CSRME, and China Geology Society IAEG China National Group.
1 Macro-meso geomechanical behaviors of bimrocks; 2 Ultrasonic and mechanical characteristics of bimrocks; 3 Static fracture evolution of bimrock revealed by in situ CT technique; 4 Dynamic behavior characterization of bimrocks using the CT technique; 5 Flow and stress coupled characteristics of bimrock; 6 Investigation on piping disaster in bimsoils
This book is intended as a reference book on block-in-matrix rocks (bimrocks) or soil and rock mixtures or rock and soil aggregate. It will improve understanding of the mesoscopic damage and fracturing mechanisms of bimrocks and helps predict the stability of rock structures where rock mass is subjected to complex loading conditions.