1. Introduction Clive Archer 2. The Soviet Union and Northern Waters: Implications for Resources and Security Finn Sollie 3. The Soviet Union and Jurisdictional Disputes in Northern Waters Robin Churchill 4. The Maritime Policies and Practices of the Soviet Union after UNCLOS III, With Special Reference to Northern Waters Uwe Jenisch 5. Soviet Fisheries and Offshore Exploration in the Barents Sea David Scrivener 6. Soviet Military Strategy and Northern Waters Tomas Ries 7. A Naval Force Comparison in Northern and Atlantic Waters Robin van Tol 8. The Nordic Response to the Soviet Presence Clive Archer 9. Responding to the Soviet Presence in Northern Waters: An American Naval View Douglas Norton 10. The Maritime Strategy and Geopolitics in the High North Steven Miller 11. Maritime Strategy in Northern Waters: Implications for the Navies of Europe Geoffrey Till
This book, first published in 1988, analyses the interests and activities of the Soviet Union in the northern Atlantic. It gives particular attention to the growth in exploration and exploitation of resources and to the problems presented by jurisdictional disputes. The responses of NATO, the United States and the Nordic countries to the expanded Soviet military presence are examined in detail.