Amity A. Doolittle is program director of the Tropical Resources Institute at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.
A Note on the Text
Introduction / Powerful Persuasions: Resource Control and State Rhetoric
1. Colliding Discourses: Western Land Laws and Native Customary Rights in North Borneo, 1881-1928
2. Redefining Native Customary Law in Govuton: Struggles over Property Rights between Native Peoples and Colonial Rulers
3. Resources, Ideologies, and Nationalism: The Politics of Development in Postcolonial Sabah
4. Land Disputes in Tempulong: Colonial Land Laws, Customary Practices, and the Postcolonial State, 1950-1996
Conclusion / Imagining New Environmental Futures: Alternative Stategies for Natural Resource Governance
Amity A. Doolittle is program director of the Tropical Resources Institute at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.