The length of time Canadians can expect to live has been extended by some 20 years in the last century, and continues to lengthen. As we live longer into old age, and as the generation born in the wake of World War II (known as the baby boomers) moves into retirement, we face new options and new challenges. This short, accessible book brings together what we know about the changes taking place, as well as what can be predicted; much remains uncharted territory.
Thomas R. Klassen is a professor in the Department of Political Science, and the School of Public Policy and Administration, at York University in Toronto. He has written extensively on retirement and income security for older Canadians, and teaches courses on the politics of aging. In the past decade he been an expert witness on legal cases dealing with retirement, advised governments on retirement policy, and lectured widely on the topic. Prior to becoming a professor, Dr. Klassen worked in government.